Which vegetables are good for your dog

– And which vegetables are poisonous or would you rather not give –

source: including barfplaats.nl


Many people ask us whether vegetables are good for dogs. Of course! Vegetables are immensely good for your dog! Vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, which they need, just like us humans. But which vegetables can you give? which vegetables are poisonous? Which should you not give, or in moderation?

Onions and onion-like vegetables are poisonous. So don't give this. Raw potato is also poisonous, and so is avocado pit. Cabbage-type vegetables are high in antioxidants, but can cause gas, so eat them in moderation. Nightshades (bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, etc.) can promote inflammation, so do not give them to a dog with osteoarthritis, for example. Legumes contain a substance called Lectin, which is a natural toxin and can damage the intestines and are high in vegetable protein. So it is better not to give these vegetables.

But which vegetables can you give to your dog? Read more here!

Does a Dog Need Vegetables?

vegetable soup for the dog

At Big Dog Company we are convinced that a dog should also eat vegetables, fruit and nuts in addition to its regular food.

Not only because the predecessor of the domesticated dog would also do this (including through the stomach of its prey, grass, tree bark and berries), but also because our meat simply does not contain the nutrients like that of a wild prey animal.

The meat is also heated and given in chunk form, where even more of the all-important nutrients are lost. In addition, a domestic dog also has to deal with factors such as air pollution, stress, and other chemicals/medicines that we as humans administer.

Vegetables contain many macro and micronutrients and fiber and are therefore an essential part of the dog's diet. Even (or especially) if you feed chunks! In a next blog we will tell you how to prepare vegetables and how many vegetables you can give.

Which Vegetables are Poisonous to your Dog?

– And which vegetables should you give your dog in moderation or not at all? –

Although there are many vegetables that are good for your dog, there are also vegetables that are poisonous to your dog, or vegetables that you would rather not give to your dog, or in moderation.

Which vegetables are poisonous to your dog? (list may not be complete!)

Leeks and onions and onion-like vegetables such as chives are poisonous to your dog. Raw potato is poisonous (Phytohemagglutinin, see below), and so is the seed of the avocado.

Also pay attention to fruit such as grapes (and derivatives such as currants). These are extremely poisonous to the dog!

NB: Cooled boiled potato is a good prebiotic.

Which vegetables to feed your dog in moderation?

Brassicas are great antioxidants, but cabbages can also cause intestinal gas, so feed them in moderation. In addition, cabbages contain “glucosinolates” that can worsen a retarded thyroid gland by reducing the absorption of iodine. So dogs with an underactive thyroid should avoid these vegetables.

Nightshade vegetables (tomato, pepper, eggplant, etc.)

Nightshade vegetables can have an anti-inflammatory effect, even in humans. Some dogs get itchy. My advice is not to feed nightshade vegetables to your dog, especially if they have an autoimmune disease such as osteoarthritis.


Contrary to what is often said, give your dog beans, we say: it is better not to give this. This applies to all legumes.

The reason is that legumes contain a lot of Lectin (or Phytohemagglutinin). This is a natural toxin of the plant to deter enemies from eating the pods (= seeds). In this way they improve the chance that the plant can reproduce. Lectin can irritate the intestines and damage the intestines if consumed at high/regular levels.

In addition, legumes contain relatively much (vegetable) protein. That is why legumes are popular in vegetarian recipes. But vegetable proteins are inferior to animal proteins, but they still have to be broken down by the body, which also produces waste products (urea). So for us a reason to say: it is better not to give legumes.

And finally: Vary with vegetables, also for yourself!

Each type of vegetable has great advantages, but too much of one type can also be disadvantageous (anything with a "too-" in front of it is not good, except too-satisfied).

Which Vegetables Are Good for Your Dog?

Fortunately, there are many vegetables that are good for your four-legged friend. Below is a list of vegetables that dogs can eat:

Sprouting vegetables Leafy vegetables Cabbage varieties Carrot





Broccoli sprouts

Alfalfa sprouts

Lentil sprouts

Bean sprouts


You can actually give sprouts of all grains and legumes


Spinach (not too much, binds with calcium)







Bok choy



Turnip greens

All lettuce varieties




White cabbage

Red cabbage

Green cabbage

Chinese cabbage

Bok choy





Bunch of carrots




Boiled potato

Sweet potato (cooked)






Stem vegetable




How do I give vegetables to my dog?

Dogs cannot digest vegetables (plants). That's why you see whole strands of grass that they have eaten coming out of the back. In order to digest the plants, the plant must be pre-digested (e.g. in the stomach of a mouse) or ground by humans. In the next blog you can read more about how to prepare vegetables so that they can be digested.

We will also discuss how many vegetables and dogs are allowed in a day.