Your pet in top condition with natural food

Your pet's nutrition is just as important as your own nutrition. But, do you know what you actually feed your pet?

Big Dog has 12 years of experience in dog and cat food. In addition, we stay informed of changes in the market and we can provide you with an analysis of the ingredients of most types and brands. We then explain this to you in understandable language, so that you know what you are giving.

Originated from my own experience

The beautiful story of the young puppy Joep was the beginning of the creation of Big Dog. Joep was put on the internet as a 6-month-old New Foundlander cross. His family had to get rid of him because caring for and maintaining a dog turned out to be more expensive than expected. Fortunately, Isabel Koutzarov, founder of Big Dog, met Joep and gave him a new home. It soon became apparent that Joep was a bad eater and was therefore behind in his development. Until Isabel discovered the food from Kant en Klaar Vlees (KVV). A new world opened up for her, but especially for Joep. Joep was happy, looked fantastic and grew enormously. “Every dog ​​should have this kind of food,” was Isabel's thought. That was the point that Big Dog was created.