What is Ready-made Fresh Meat (KVV)?

KVV stands for Ready-made Fresh Meat or Complete Fresh Meat.

It is a good alternative if you want to feed your dog “fresh” or raw meat, but do not want to put it together yourself according to the BARF principle. KVV is, as the name suggests, complete (if you have a good brand) and contains everything the dog needs.

They are often rolls, in the shape of a sausage. The producer grinds muscle meat, bones and various organs in a certain proportion and then the mixture is pressed into a sausage with a machine and frozen. To give it to your dog, thaw the sausage and place the required amount in his food bowl.

Can I give KVV and chunks?

Sometimes people want to give a combination of chunks and KVV. There are many messages on the internet and social media that this is not good. Our position is different. If your dog can tolerate the change well (so does not get diarrhea or vomit, for example) then it is not a problem as far as we are concerned. We do not recommend mixing it at the same time. So for example:

  • Meat at the weekend, chunks during the week
  • 3 days chunks, 4 days meat or vice versa
  • Chunk of meat in the morning (or vice versa)
  • DO NOT: mix chunks and meat in a container

Pay attention to the composition of KVV

There are many brands on the market, and in recent years this has grown exponentially. Differences between the brands may include:

  • The packaging (sausages, slices, containers)
  • The content (e.g. with or without rice; with or without vegetables)
  • The degree of grinding (fine, coarse)
  • The price

The price in particular is often decisive for people, and that is understandable. However, pay attention to what type of meat is used. If etiquette mentions “animal byproducts,” ask yourself what this means. Also look at what type of meat and organs are used. Lungs and spleen are also organs, these are cheap and some brands use them, but these organs do not contain the necessary vitamins. In general you can assume that cheap is expensive.

selected KVV brands in our webshop

Also read our article " How do I choose a good KVV?"